The Tiftickjian Difference – Denver DUI Defense

JT Super Lawyers When selecting a DUI defense attorney in Denver, several factors should be taken into consideration. We highlight The Tiftickjian Difference and what clients can expect when retaining our services.

We are confident that you will come to the same conclusion as many satisfied clients have – the Tiftickjian Law Firm is your best choice for representation. Our primary objective is to provide counsel that is well-respected, ethical, approachable, and can get the best results with the least amount of stress and anxiety to you.

Long-Time, Consistent Reputation

Tiftickjian Law Firm is listed in Best Law Firms (Tier 1), Best LawyersBar Register of Preeminent Lawyers, and Super Lawyers. Mr. Tiftickjian has been named “2023 Lawyer of the Year” by Best Lawyers and appeared on the cover of Colorado Super Lawyers. All of these are strictly peer-reviewed by our colleagues in court and the judges we appear before. None of these are paid-for accolades. If you conduct research in the Colorado legal field and online, you will find over two decades of consistent, positive feedback about Jay Tiftickjian and the Tiftickjian Law Firm.

Denver DUI attorney Jay Tiftickjian leads the charge on important DUI issues


Firm owner Jay Tiftickjian is a past President of the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar and has been voted “Best DUI Lawyer” in the state’s official bar journal, Law Week Colorado, for over a decade. He has written the book on Colorado DUI defense that all the attorneys you are likely researching use in their practice. He has chaired annual DUI seminars for attorneys and judges with the Colorado Bar Association and Colorado Criminal Defense Bar. Tiftickjian presents across the country for other state bar associations and the National College for DUI Defense, and he is considered Colorado’s “go-to” authority on DUI law. For a full list of Mr. Tiftickjian’s professional achievements and credentials, visit his profile page.

Only Law Firm in Colorado that Focuses Primarily on DUI Defense

Many law firms will tell you they specialize in DUI defense, but they also “specialize” in general criminal defense, family law, personal injury, and other areas that can turn a profit. We are not a general criminal practice that handles a little bit of everything. We are a boutique specialty practice with DUI defense as our sole focus.

Local and National Expert in DUI and Drug Laws Balance of Power

If you watch, read, or listen to local news, you likely have seen, heard or read Mr. Tiftickjian’s expert legal opinion when it comes to DUI and drug law issues. He has provided expert analysis to The New York Times, Associated Press, USA Today, Denver Post, and 9 News, to name a few, and has debated government and law enforcement leaders on issues related to DUI. Mr. Tiftickjian has testified in the legislature on legal issues such as felony DUI. For example, Mr. Tiftickjian debated Denver District Attorney Beth McCann on Colorado Public Radio about felony DUI law, and with Former GOP House Leader Mark Waller regarding felony DUI on 9 News’ Balance of Power.

To watch Mr. Tiftickjian on television or read his expert commentary in newspapers across the country, check out our press page. When important issues arise that affect all people in Colorado, it is common to see Tiftickjian at the forefront.

Tiftickjian Jay QuoteDon’t Get Scammed by Fake Reviews and Sham Awards

When doing your research online, you will see countless attorneys claim they are the “best” and “most experienced,” and promise to “aggressively defend” you and to “fight” for you and your case. You likely also sifted through some sharp-looking websites with numerous badges and logos claiming awards, “Top 10″ lists and “best” awards from various associations, and read countless glowing reviews boasting about the miraculous results the attorney achieves for every single client. CL Quote about Jay Tiftickjian

Unfortunately, many of these phenomenal five-star reviews you may have read for some law firms are a sham. Many are fake. Some reviews are paid for, and some are written by family members, friends, neighbors, reputation management services, or other lawyers from different states on a “you-scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” basis. This occurs in all occupations and industries, but especially from lawyers looking to take short cuts to scam potential clients who have just faced a life-altering arrest and are in dire need of help. Unfortunately, many of these awards and badges you see are paid for.

For all of the reasons above, Tiftickjian Law Firm is your best choice when seeking experienced counsel for a Colorado DUI charge. If you want the most well-respected and accomplished representation for the best result possible, call us today or contact us through this website to speak with Mr. Tiftickjian.

News Probation for felony DUI