Colorado Super Lawyers Tiftickjian Cover Story

Colorado Super Lawyers Jay and Suzie Tiftickjian WebReady Denver DUI attorney Jay Tiftickjian is no stranger to being named a Colorado Super Lawyer. In this year’s 2022 Colorado Super Lawyers, he appears with his family on the cover of the annual publication. The article describes how both Jay and his wife, prominent estate planning attorney Suzie Tiftickjian, raise a family of three children while both leading successful law firms.

Family First

The article “Family First” details how both Jay and Suzie developed an interest in the law, as well as some notable cases from their early careers. Also, there are the 15 marathons that Suzie has run, Jay’s love for playing the guitar, and the many youth activities and sports the couple is involved in.

Jay goes in depth as to how he became a DUI lawyer. In law school, he met esteemed DWI lawyer Michael Taheri in Buffalo, New York. Jay interned with and took classes from Mike at the University of New York at Buffalo School of Law. Jay wanted a practice like Mr. Taheri’s, defending clients charged with alcohol and drug-related driving offenses.

Upon graduating from law school, Jay joined a large firm in Jay Suzie Tiftickjian Super Lawyers Spread Buffalo, NY, litigating white-collar defense cases. His love for Colorado caused him to move to the beautiful state. In 2002, he joined the Adams/Broomfield County District Attorney’s Office. After cutting his teeth prosecuting drug charges, DUIs, and domestic violence crimes, Jay joined a criminal defense law firm in Denver. Three years later, he formed his own criminal defense firm. His practice narrowed from criminal defense to a focus on strictly DUI defense a few years later.

Tiftickjian’s Reaction

“I am honored that Super Lawyers reached out to Suzie and I about this story,” says Tiftickjian. “We were not told we were being considered for the cover, so when the issue came out it was a pleasant surprise. I always figured cover stories were reserved for large firm lawyers with marketing departments. The exposure didn’t cost us a dime, and seeing my beautiful wife and children on the cover is an honor.”

Digital Edition of 2022 Colorado Super Lawyers