Many people mistakenly believe that if they only consume one drink per hour, or that if they wait the same number of hours as drinks they have consumed throughout the night before driving, that they are sober enough to drive. This is one of the most common myths about drinking and driving, and one that […]

As you may have read in the first part of this series, there are some common myths and misconceptions surrounding DUIs, not only in Colorado, but nationwide. Understanding more about how these myths and misconceptions may impact you is an important part of making smart driving choices and ensuring that your rights are protected throughout […]
As attorneys that focus our practice on working with clients facing Colorado DUIs and related charges, we often come across a variety of misconceptions when it comes to the DUI process. From being pulled over to trial, it is important to understand these misconceptions because they can have a significant impact on your ability to […]
Facing a Colorado DUI is an incredibly stressful experience, especially if it is your first time facing such serious criminal charges. Many times, individuals can be intimidated by the legal process associated with a DUI and may want to simply take the easiest route available and admit to the DUI and then accept the consequences. […]
The data shows that Pueblo County, which makes up the 10th Judicial District, currently has the fewest DUI-related court filings per capita for 2017 DENVER, COLORADO—It’s an alarming number. So far this year, 372 DUI-related crashes have resulted in serious injuries or fatalities, according to Colorado State Patrol. With two more months still left in […]
Colorado has a lot to offer when it comes to beer and other alcohol-based products that are produced in-state. From local craft breweries to internationally renowned spirits, there is almost always something for everyone looking to try something made in Colorado. However, it is important for individuals to enjoy alcoholic beverages responsibly. One large part […]
We’ve come to rely on apps to manage virtually every aspect of our lives. Budgeting apps keep us from overspending. Fitness apps keep us on target. Social media apps keep tabs on our friends. But will a breathalyzer app keep us from getting behind the wheel when we’re too impaired to drive? Colorado Department of […]
It’s a startling number. Every day, 28 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver, according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention. This is amounts to one death every 51 minutes. Unfortunately, the numbers aren’t any better for drug-related crashes either. In a recent article by The […]
As in most states, a DUI or related charge is an extremely serious criminal charge in Colorado. That means that being convicted of a DUI can have serious consequences that reach beyond the temporary inconvenience of having your license revoked and being required to pay court costs and other fines. While it is not always […]
As with many other legal proceedings, scientific accuracy can play a crucial role in a DUI or related conviction. In fact, there are many aspects of evidence and criminal procedure related to DUI trials where scientific accuracy is important in securing a conviction, which leads to the important question of just how accurate scientific evidence […]
Facing DUI charges is a difficult experience for anyone. While the legal process involved with DUI charges is stressful, it is important to remember that if you are convicted, then the process is not over. By understanding the various aspects of Colorado DUI probation, you can be prepared for how it might impact your life […]
Facing a DUI in Colorado can be a confusing and stressful experience. Facing federal DUI charges in combination with Colorado DUI charges can compound the difficulty associated with these charges. If you are facing federal DUI charges, it is important to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney that understands the important distinctions of these […]