
2014 Promises Big Changes for Colorado DUI Laws

What does it mean to be persistent? According to online dictionary sources, persistent means: continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Which of course, can mean a good thing, for example in the pursuit of a college degree or career aspirations. However, the word ‘persistent’ when used […]

What to Look for in Reputable Denver DUI Defense

  A night on the town can have severe consequences, especially if you happen to have a few too many coinciding with the sudden and sickening sight of flashing red lights in your rear view mirror. Yes, a DUI charge can quickly alter your life and hamper your livelihood, not to mention take a big […]

People who are seeking the assistance of a DUI attorney in Denver are usually facing overwhelming charges of driving under the influence of alcohol or driving while intoxicated. These charges come with extreme penalties and severe consequences if the person is convicted in a court of law. Finding a knowledgeable DUI defense attorney is essential […]

Many people enjoy having a few cocktails with their dinner or having a beer with friends before going out for the evening. After just a few drinks, however, people should be careful before getting behind the wheel of a car. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious offense and comes with severe penalties […]

A DUI conviction can wreak havoc on a person’s life for years to come. Not only do DUI convictions come with severe consequences and penalties, but they can directly affect a person’s chances of finding employment in certain industries. A DUI conviction can make it hard for people to be approved for student funding or […]

Not only do DUI charges include hefty fines and sometimes even jail time, they can also affect a person’s ability to make a living due to things like license suspension. DUI is a very serious crime, and as such you need a good Colorado DUI attorney if you find yourself charged. The following information can […]

A DUI conviction can result in everything from jail time to a loss of driving privileges, which can significantly impede one’s ability to earn a living. The effects of such a conviction can have lasting consequences, and in some cases may even jeopardize things like future employment or other opportunities. That’s why hiring the right […]

While it may not be as well-known as alcohol-related driving offenses, facing a marijuana DUI charge is still considered a very serious offense by law enforcement. Driving under the influence of marijuana can affect things like motor coordination, response time, and even cause the driver loss of control in some cases. As a result, those […]

DUI App Raising Controversy

Recently an App has been made with the purpose to help a person suspected of a DUI.  The app called “Oh Crap App!” was made with the assistance of an Iowa law firm.  The app is designed to help people who have been pulled over by police by giving them advice on what to do […]

Clearly, the best way to avoid the consequences of a DUI charge is to not drive after drinking. Make this decision before you go out for the night. Designate a driver ahead of time. After all, you are concerned with your safety and the safety of the other people on the road. You are probably […]

No one wants to get a DUI and there are some simple steps to take in order to prevent the charge. Of course, the first and simplest method would be to not drink and drive. However, when a person is driving after they have been drinking, it is essential to avoid getting pulled over. Follow […]

Sobriety Tests For Stoned Drivers

Most people have seen, or heard about, or experienced a sobriety test while driving.  Follow the finger, walk the line, say the alphabet. When it comes to drivers who are under the influence of alcohol, the tests have close to 90% accuracy ratings.  But with new laws of the legalization of marijuana, these sobriety tests […]
